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Ricky Gervais thinks social media is to blame for many of the world's issues. IN this clip from his Netflix Humanity, Ricky breaks down why. ️SUBSCRIBE FOR M. After Life FAQ The dog is a German Shepherd called 'Anti'. I called her 'Brandy' in the show because I wanted a more traditional name that sounded a bit like her real one so that she would respond during filming. The dog will not die in series 2.

The creator of The Office, Ricky Gervais, has called out the online “fascists” that want to shut down freedom of speech, saying that “if you’re mildly conservative on Twitter people call you Hitler.”

Continuing on his press tour marking the nineteenth anniversary of The Office, Gervais followed up his criticisms of cancel culture with an attack on the idea of so-called “hate speech”.

“There’s this new weird sort of fascism of people thinking they know what you can say and what you can’t and it’s a really weird thing… that there’s this new trendy myth that people who want free speech want to say awful things all the time. It’s just isn’t true, it protects everyone,” Gervais said in an interview on talkRadio.

The British actor and comedian said that people trying to shut down free speech in the name of combatting “hate speech” are “fascists” who “behind this bit the shield of goodness”, saying: “we’re good, we’re social just warriors, we’re doing this for good and what we say goes… and they don’t realize how corrupt and wrong that is.”

Reflecting on the caustic environment on social media, Gervais said: “If you’re mildly left-wing on Twitter, you’re suddenly Trotsky, right? If your mildly conservative, if you’re Hitler and if your centrist and you look at both arguments, you’re a coward.”

Ricky Gervais: Cancel Culture and ‘Outrage Mobs’ Would Make ‘The Office’ Impossible to Make Today https://t.co/M2SMv33p2F

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) July 11, 2020

Ricky Gervais Twitter

Mr Gervais said that while he backed certain caveats on freedom of speech, such as libel and slander laws, he said that countries should never criminalise speech that “someone, somewhere, might find offensive… because someone, somewhere might find everything offensive.”

Ricky Gervais Twitter

“Just because you’re offended it doesn’t mean you’re right,” he added.

He went on to say that in today’s culture the phrase “I’m offended” has replaced the need to craft an argument or use reason.

The comedian explained that it will be impossible to police “hate speech” as there is “no consensus on what hate speech is” and therefore it becomes dangerous for one side to determine the rules around it, as “the people who think they want to close down free speech, because it’s bad, are the fascists.”

Ricky gervais golden globe speech

On Friday, Gervais said that his BAFTA-winning mockumentary series, The Office, would likely not have been able to have been made today as “outrage mobs” would take things out of context and shut it down. He also lamented that the taxpayer-funded BBC has grown more politically correct and cautious in its programming decisions.

Ricky Gervais: Free Speech Applies to Everyone, Even Those You ‘Hate, Fear and Disagree With’https://t.co/IymDFlHHt1pic.twitter.com/7WcWfgsOev

— Breitbart Tech (@BreitbartTech) February 5, 2019

Follow Kurt on Twitter at @KurtZindulka

Comedian Ricky Gervais has joined the chorus of condemnation against the suspension of a British teacher for showing a caricature of the Islamic prophet Mohammed, questioning whether people will be “punished for insulting unicorns” next.

The creator of The Office and famed atheist took to social media on Friday to rail against the Islamic protesters who are calling for the firing of a Batley Grammar School teacher.

Ricky gervais twitter feed

“Blasphemy? Fucking Blasphemy? It’s 2021 for fuck’s sake. What next? People being punished for insulting unicorns?” Gervais wrote.

Blasphemy? Fucking Blasphemy? It's 2021 for fuck's sake. What next? People being punished for insulting unicorns?

— Ricky Gervais (@rickygervais) March 26, 2021

The British comedian has long been an advocate for free speech and has expressed disdain for cancel culture mobs. Gervais has also frequently taken aim at religion in general, writing in 2012: “Everyone has the right to believe anything they want. And everyone else has the right to find it fucking ridiculous.”

Ricky Gervais Twitter Page

British actor turned London mayoral candidate Laurence Fox also criticised the Islamic campaign against the teacher, writing: “I personally find blasphemy distasteful and disrespectful, but as always, I defend your right to take the piss out of my God and in equal measure my right to take the piss out of yours. These are the values Britain holds dear.”

Protests have been held outside the local grammar school in Bately since Thursday after it was revealed that a teacher had shown his class a cartoon of Mohammad, reportedly during a class on blasphemy. The teacher, who was suspended from the school over the incident, has since gone into hiding and is under police protection after a local Muslim group shared his identity online.

Mohammed Hussain of the Purpose of Life charity — which published the teacher’s identity online — had accused the teacher of “terrorism” and “insulting Islam”.

Explaining after he was accused of failing to condemn Islamist beheadings on a radio appearance, Hussain told the Daily Mail: “I was shocked and upset at the questions. I couldn’t understand why I was being asked about beheadings.

“I was trying to say that I was against beheadings and that the Prophet said that if you were to kill one innocent person you were killing Mankind. I am against any type of violence in the name of Islam and do not support the beheadings that have taken place.”

Blasphemy: Grammar School Teacher Suspended for Showing Mohammed Cartoon https://t.co/ICFJa7CqNh

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) March 26, 2021

There have been comparisons made between the Batley protest and the campaign against French geography and history teacher Samuel Paty, who was beheaded by a Muslim refugee last October. His death came after an online hate campaign was conducted by a pupil’s father, amplified by a Parisian mosque, which posted his identity online after Paty showed pupils Charlie Hebdo cartoons of Mohammed during a lesson on freedom of expression.

Local Labour MP Tracy Brabin defended the school’s move to suspend the teacher, writing in a statement: “I welcome the school’s apology and recognition of the offence this has caused but conversations between the school, parents and local community must proceed in a dignified and respectful matter.

“Those who seek to fan the flames of this incident will only provoke hate and division in our community and I would encourage all involved to work together and calm the situation.”

Ricky Gervais Twitter Blasphemy

A petition organised by pupils at the Batley school has called for the reinstatement of the teacher. To date, the petition has received over 50,000 signatures.

Ricky Gervais Twitter Free Speech

“The [Religious Studies] Teacher was trying to educate students about racism and blasphemy. He warned the students before showing the images and he had the intent to educate them. He does not deserve such large repercussions. He is not racist and did not support the Islamiphobic [sic] cartoons in any manner. This has got out of hand and due to this, students have missed out on lessons because of ‘peaceful’ protestors,” the petition said.

“Them blocking off entrances did not allow teachers to work or enter the school. Think of those who would be affected due to this lesson spiralled out of hand? Teachers, The School, The Community, Children, the RS Teacher’s family and his own financial stability since he will no longer be able to land a job due to the fact that his reputation has been tarnished,” the pupils’ petition added.

The protesters have vowed to continue demonstrating outside the school until the teacher is fired from his position.

Ricky Gervais Twitter Free Speech

Ricky Gervais called out 'fascists' that shut down free speech, saying: 'if you're mildly conservative on Twitter people call you Hitler.' https://t.co/uuIxBGV9tV

— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) July 12, 2020

Follow Kurt Zindulka on Twitter here @KurtZindulka