Openssh Openwrt


Community maintained packages for OpenWrt. Documentation for submitting pull requests is in - openwrt/packages. The following instructions give the OpenWrt device a IP address in the same network of the ISP modem, then set the ISP modem IP address as “gateway” and “dns” for the OpenWrt device, which is the device providing internet access to client devices. The OpenWrt device will act as a client and will be accessible through its LAN port. Root@OpenWrt:# opkg updateroot@OpenWrt:# opkg install vsftpd openssh-sftp-serverroot@OpenWrt:# /etc/init.d/vsftpd enableroot@OpenWrt:# /etc/init.d/vsftpd start

  1. Install Openssh
  2. Openwrt Openssh Compile
  3. Openssh For Windows 10

For experienced users only!

This HOWTO will upgrade an existing OpenWrt firmware to a new version from the SSH command line.
A lot of information in this wiki page duplicates content of generic OpenWrt OS upgrade procedure.
Non-experienced users are strongly advised to Upgrading OpenWrt firmware using LuCI instead.
If you need some configuration options changed for the first boot, for example you need Wi-Fi enabled after flashing, follow this guide: Flashing OpenWrt with Wi-Fi enabled on first boot


Follow: Backup and restore

If you do not want to preserve existing configuration or files, feel free to skip this section.

The default upgrade on command line will automatically preserve basic OpenWrt configuration by saving and then restoring configuration files in default locations (/etc/config). This will preserve things like network settings, Wi-Fi settings, the device hostname, and so on. A OpenWrt command line upgrade by default preserves the following configuration files:

  • listed within the text files in /lib/upgrade/keep.d/ (for example, /lib/upgrade/keep.d/base-files-essential)

For your information: Legacy setting behaviour of LuCI: There is a separate set of settings in the“config extern 'flash_keep' section of the file /etc/config/luci. In the past, it appears that this list was used by LuCI (see this post). However, LuCI upgrade procedure actually calls the sysupgrade script and so it appears the flash_keep settings in /etc/config/luci are now ignored.

Note that custom installed packages and their own configuration will not be preserved, so it may be necessary to document your programs and save the settings that will need to be re-installed or restored after the upgrade. There are scripts available to deal with that automatically. Use sysupgrade -k and/or see Opkg extras.

Download and verify the OpenWrt firmware upgrade image

Download and use only OpenWrt firmware images ending in ”-sysupgrade.bin“ for command line upgrades.
For x86 systems there is no “sysupgrade” image, just be sure the new firmware image has the same family of filesystem as your old one.

Note: upgrade files must be placed in /tmp, as the sysupgrade procedure unmounts flash storage during the upgrade process. If the upgrade file is not in /tmp, sysupgrade will NOT perform any upgrade and only reboot the system.

Download the desired upgrade file to your OpenWrt's /tmp directory and verify firmware checksum. /tmp directory is stored in the device RAM:

  1. Check free memory is available: Run free. Proceed, if “free Mem” is the size of your firmware file + some extra mem (at least twice the size of your firmware file is perfect).
  2. Set the following variables to the download address of your OpenWrt firmware file (you must customize the URL!). You'll find a link to the file “sha256sums” in the Supplementary Files section of the download page for the architecture of your router, beneath the Image Files section:
  3. Download and check the firmware checksum with:
  4. In the screen output, look for the correct checksum verification:
  5. Do not continue, if the checksum verification mismatches!


Install Openssh

  • If you cant use 'wget' (e.g. because you want to transfer firmware from your PC to your OpenWrt device)
    • you can use scp: scp openwrt-ar71xx-tl-wr1043nd-v1-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin root@ (Ensure you have set a non-null password for your device root account to properly use scp.)
    • you can use ssh: ssh root@ “cat > /tmp/openwrt-ar71xx-tl-wr1043nd-v1-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin” < openwrt-ar71xx-tl-wr1043nd-v1-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin (Also ensure you have set a non-null password for your device root account.)
      1. On your Linux PC run: cat [specified firmware].bin | pv -b | nc -l -p 3333
      2. On your OpenWrt device run (Assuming is the IP of your Linux PC): nc 3333 > /tmp/[specified firmware].bin
  • If the checksum mismatches: Redo the firmware download, if the mismatch remains, ask for help in the 'Installing and Using OpenWrt' Forum
  • If low on RAM: If your device's /tmp filesystem is not large enough to store the upgrade image, you have to free up RAM.
    • First, simply try to reboot your device, this could already free up a sufficient amount of RAM.
    • You can try to gain some free space by removing the package index:
    • As a last desperate measure to free some RAM, you could disable the wireless drivers by deleting them and then reboot. The wireless drivers usually take up quite a bit of RAM and are not really required if you are upgrading, as they will be reinstalled. You shouldn't do this if you are connected to the system via wireless, of course.

Flash the new OpenWrt firmware

  1. The firmware file is now in /tmp, so you can start the flashing process
  2. Preferably have an assistant physically present at the location of the device, if you upgrade it from remote (as some devices may require a hard reset after the update)
  3. You can add the `-n` option if you DO NOT want to preserve any old configuration files and configure upgraded device from clean state (network/system settings will be lost as well)
  4. While the new firmware gets flashed, an output similar to the following will be shown:
  5. Ignore the “TRX header not found” and “Error fixing up TRX header” errors. These errors are not relevant according to
  6. Wait until the router comes back online. The system should come up the same configuration settings as before (same network IP addresses, same SSH password, etc.)


  • does not reboot automatically or remains unresponsive: Wait 5 minutes, then do a hard reset: Turn it off, wait 2-3 seconds and turn it back on (or pull the power plug and plug it back in).
    Doing this while the device is still updating might softbrick it and require serial or even jtag connection to recover it. Such a cold restart has been reported to be required often after a sysupgrade by command line.
  • OPKG issues: if after flashing you have issues with package installation or because opkg.conf has outdated data, read
  • 'sysupgrade' not available on your OpenWrt device, you can use 'mtd' instead to flash the firmware: mtd -r write /tmp/openwrt-ar71xx-generic-wzr-hp-ag300h-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin firmware
  • Low RAM: Only recommended for devices with really very little RAM, you could try the more risky flashing-by-streaming-to-mtd variant (risky, because the firmware gets streamed from the client to the device during flashing. Any network issues during the process are likely to brick your device). Use this only, if you really cannot free enough RAM with other means. Netcat must be installed on the OpenWrt device for this. If you need help for netcat, refer to external links: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    1. On the OpenWrt device, run:

Post-upgrade steps

  • Verify the new OS version: The simpler way to see if the firmware was actually upgraded. In SSH, the login banner states the release information like version and so on.
  • if you used extroot, then see this howto about restoring it
  • Check for any upgradable packages Opkg Package Manager. After the firmware update, it is good to check for any updated packages released after the base OS firmware image was built.
  • Reinstall user-installed packages. After a successful upgrade, you will need to reinstall all previously installed packages according to your notes. Package configuration files should have been preserved due to steps above, but not the actual packages themselves. If you used the scripts provided in the forum, this step might not be necessary.

Openwrt Openssh Compile

  • Check for default configuration changes in user-installed packages.
    The new package installations will have installed new default versions of package configuration files. As your existing configuration files were already in place, opkg would have displayed a warning about this and saved the new configuration file versions under …-opkg filenames. The new package-provided configuration files should be compared with your older customized files to merge in any new options or changes of syntax in these files. The diffutils program is helpful for this.
    install diffutils

    locate all -opkg files

    compare old customized /etc/config/snmpd with new generic file /etc/config/snmpd-opkg

    merge in any needed changes to the active version of the configuration file

    if the new version provided by the package maintainer should replace the old config file then just swap it in

    clean up by removing the package manager-version of the configuration file

  • Some user-installed packages need to be enabled and started, for example to start snmpd:
  • Perform a manual reboot after your post-upgrade steps. It is a good idea to do a device reboot and ensure all expected functionality is working as before.

Openssh For Windows 10

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